Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not Sold!


Record Rama bidder turns out to be a fraud:

The $3 million winning bid for the Record Rama collection on eBay was a fraud, according to J. Paul Henderson, agent for the sale.

Mr. Henderson said he got a call from an eBay executive last night explaining that the “jopsoup” bid was not legitimate and the account has been suspended.

The Irish man with that screen name says he didn’t even know about the bid until after the fact.

“Jopsoup” told the eBay executive that he was a victim of identity theft.

“He claims he went to an Internet cafe and got the e-mail with the invoice from us and wondered ‘what the hell is this?’ ” Mr. Henderson said.

Mr. Henderson says he and owner Paul Mawhinney plan to re-list the collection and run the auction in a more “semi-private” fashion with screened bidders.

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