Thursday, October 16, 2008

The last one :-(


DATE CHANGE!!! last party for Neil Aline at APT has been postponed to OCTOBER 26th ALONGSIDE TONY HUMPHRIES

the Last Apt. Sunday night with Neil Aline It is with a bit of sadness that i am retiring from Sundays at Apt.
After 6 beautiful years, playing the best records to the best sunday crowd in the city;
I have decided it's time for me to take new directions. All the memories i have from the insane nights, to the best guest dj's and the friendliest staff will never be forgotten. I'm not saying adios to Apt, i will may be play there on a different night but i really thought it was time for me to do something different on Sundays. So make sure to stay tuned for a series of new parties in the near future.
Nevertheless, APT. will have their Sundays running as usual. Please go see tony humphries on the 26th. I wish APT the best!

But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: For all the friends and family that have been coming throughout the years:
Please come this SUNDAY for our Last dance together
it will mean the world to me!

Thank you and See you Sunday!
Neil Aline

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